Home Team Result Away Team
Look Old BoysOld Boys 50 – 0 Old Locks - Old Gabs
Look Old RedsOld Reds 17 – 38 Stade Francais
Look COBSCOBS 17 – 7 UC
Look CDACDA 7 – 18 DOBS


Name Team Value
Look Joaquín  Valacco Córdova Joaquín Valacco Córdova Old Boys 31
Look Sebastian  Escobar Radic Sebastian Escobar Radic UC 17
Look Nicolas  Infante SpencerNicolas Infante Spencer CDA 17
Look Gaspar  Muirhead EscalaGaspar Muirhead Escala DOBS 14
Look Diego  serranoDiego serrano DOBS 14

Penalties tries

Name Team Value
Look Diego Blümel PérezDiego Blümel Pérez UC 1
Look José luis Moraga yañezJosé luis Moraga yañez UC 1
Look Lucas BunsterLucas Bunster CDA 1
Look Felipe Godoy TarantuviezFelipe Godoy Tarantuviez DOBS 1
Look Agustin SimonidisAgustin Simonidis COBS 1


Name Team Value
Look José Ignacio Lira RiesleJosé Ignacio Lira Riesle Old Reds 11
Look Lucas BunsterLucas Bunster CDA 10
Look Martin Rodriguez PobleteMartin Rodriguez Poblete DOBS 8
Look diego anguita guillondiego anguita guillon Old Boys 8
Look Ignacio Rodriguez PobleteIgnacio Rodriguez Poblete DOBS 6


Name Team Value
Look Agustin  Angel SepulvedaAgustin Angel Sepulveda Stade Francais 13
Look Alvaro Latorre TapiaAlvaro Latorre Tapia Sporting RC 7
Look Sebastian  Escobar Radic Sebastian Escobar Radic UC 6
Look Joaquín  Valacco Córdova Joaquín Valacco Córdova Old Boys 4
Look Nicolas  Infante SpencerNicolas Infante Spencer CDA 3
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